SpriteWorldRec Struct Reference

sprite world data structure More...

#include <SpriteWorld.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

SpriteLayerPtr headSpriteLayerP
 head of the sprite layer linked list
SpriteLayerPtr tailSpriteLayerP
 tail of the sprite layer linked list
SpriteLayerPtr deadSpriteLayerP
 where SWRemoveSpriteFromAnimation puts Sprites
UpdateRectStructPtr headUpdateRectP
 used by SWFlagRectAsChanged
SWBoolean useUpdateRectOptimizations
 should try to merge update rects
FramePtr extraBackFrameP
 used when adding a background behind tiles
FramePtr backFrameP
 frame for the background
FramePtr workFrameP
 work, or "mixing" frame
FramePtr screenFrameP
 frame for drawing to the screen
DrawProcPtr offscreenDrawProc
 callback for erasing sprites offscreen normally
DrawProcPtr screenDrawProc
 callback for drawing sprite pieces onscreen normally
CallBackPtr postEraseCallBack
 called after erasing sprites
CallBackPtr postDrawCallBack
 called after drawing sprites
SWRect screenRect
 holds windowFrameP->frameRect for easier access
SWRect backRect
 holds backFrameP->frameRect for easier access
SWRect visScrollRect
 SWRect that is copied to screen when scrolling.
SWRect oldVisScrollRect
 visScrollRect from last frame
SWRect offscreenScrollRect
 same as visScrollRect, but local to offscreen
short horizScrollRectOffset
 offset from offscreenScrollRect to visScrollRect
short vertScrollRectOffset
 offset from offscreenScrollRect to visScrollRect
short horizScrollDelta
 horizontal scrolling delta
short vertScrollDelta
 vertical scrolling delta
SWRect scrollRectMoveBounds
 move bounds for visScrollRect
WorldMoveProcPtr worldMoveProc
 pointer to the scrolling world move procedure
SpritePtr followSpriteP
 pointer to the "follow sprite", or NULL
 an array of all the tileMap layers
SWBoolean tilingIsInitialized
 has the tiling been initialized yet?
SWBoolean tilingIsOn
 are the tiling routines turned on?
short lastActiveTileLayer
 the last active tile layer
short ** tilingCache
 two-dimensional tiling cache
short numTilingCacheRows
 number of rows in tilingCache array
short numTilingCacheCols
 number of cols in tilingCache array
 array of tile framePtrs (the part below sprites)
short * curTileImage
 array specifying the current frame of each tile
short maxNumTiles
 number of elements in tileFrameArray
short tileWidth
 width of each tile
short tileHeight
 height of each tile
long numTilesChanged
 number of rects in changedTiles array to update
 array of rects of tiles that changed
long changedTilesArraySize
 number of elements in changedTiles array
TileChangeProcPtr tileChangeProc
 pointer to tile frame changing procedure
TileRectDrawProcPtr tileRectDrawProc
 pointer to the function that draws tiles in a rect
DrawProcPtr tileMaskDrawProc
 drawProc for drawing masked tiles in tile layers
CustomTileDrawProcPtr customTileDrawProc
 DrawProc that is also passed the tileID and tileLayer.
unsigned char pixelDepth
 SpriteWorld's depth.
short fpsTimeInterval
 milliseconds per frame of animation (1000/fps)
double pseudoFPS
 milliseconds per pseudo frame of animation (for time-based animations)
unsigned long runningTimeCount
 running total time in milliseconds
unsigned long timeOfLastFrame
 time (from runningTimeCount) of last frame
unsigned long minimumFrameRate
 maximum number of microseconds that can go by in a frame (used only for time-based movement)
unsigned long microsecsSinceLastFrame
 # microseconds passed since last frame
double pseudoFrameAccum
 used to set the pseudoFrameHasFired variable.
SWBoolean pseudoFrameHasFired
 used in time-based animations.
SWBoolean frameHasOccurred
 Has the SpriteWorld been processed?
SWBoolean thereAreNonScrollingLayers
 used internally by SWProcessSpriteWorld
SWBoolean makeTranslucencyAdjustments
SWBoolean doFastMovingSpritesChecks
SDL_Color backgroundColor
 background color for clear drawproc
SDL_bool useOpenGL
void * glContext
 passed to the OpenGL callbacks
GLCallBackPtr glMakeCurrent
 called before OpenGL drawing
GLCallBackPtr glSwapBuffers
 called after OpenGL drawing
long userData
 reserved for user

Detailed Description

sprite world data structure

Member Data Documentation

FramePtr SpriteWorldRec::backFrameP

frame for the background

SDL_Color SpriteWorldRec::backgroundColor

background color for clear drawproc

SWRect SpriteWorldRec::backRect

holds backFrameP->frameRect for easier access

SWRect* SpriteWorldRec::changedTiles

array of rects of tiles that changed

long SpriteWorldRec::changedTilesArraySize

number of elements in changedTiles array

short* SpriteWorldRec::curTileImage

array specifying the current frame of each tile

CustomTileDrawProcPtr SpriteWorldRec::customTileDrawProc

DrawProc that is also passed the tileID and tileLayer.

SpriteLayerPtr SpriteWorldRec::deadSpriteLayerP

where SWRemoveSpriteFromAnimation puts Sprites

SWBoolean SpriteWorldRec::doFastMovingSpritesChecks

FramePtr SpriteWorldRec::extraBackFrameP

used when adding a background behind tiles

SpritePtr SpriteWorldRec::followSpriteP

pointer to the "follow sprite", or NULL

short SpriteWorldRec::fpsTimeInterval

milliseconds per frame of animation (1000/fps)

SWBoolean SpriteWorldRec::frameHasOccurred

Has the SpriteWorld been processed?

void* SpriteWorldRec::glContext

passed to the OpenGL callbacks

GLCallBackPtr SpriteWorldRec::glMakeCurrent

called before OpenGL drawing

GLCallBackPtr SpriteWorldRec::glSwapBuffers

called after OpenGL drawing

SpriteLayerPtr SpriteWorldRec::headSpriteLayerP

head of the sprite layer linked list

UpdateRectStructPtr SpriteWorldRec::headUpdateRectP

used by SWFlagRectAsChanged

short SpriteWorldRec::horizScrollDelta

horizontal scrolling delta

short SpriteWorldRec::horizScrollRectOffset

offset from offscreenScrollRect to visScrollRect

short SpriteWorldRec::lastActiveTileLayer

the last active tile layer

SWBoolean SpriteWorldRec::makeTranslucencyAdjustments

short SpriteWorldRec::maxNumTiles

number of elements in tileFrameArray

unsigned long SpriteWorldRec::microsecsSinceLastFrame

# microseconds passed since last frame

unsigned long SpriteWorldRec::minimumFrameRate

maximum number of microseconds that can go by in a frame (used only for time-based movement)

long SpriteWorldRec::numTilesChanged

number of rects in changedTiles array to update

short SpriteWorldRec::numTilingCacheCols

number of cols in tilingCache array

short SpriteWorldRec::numTilingCacheRows

number of rows in tilingCache array

DrawProcPtr SpriteWorldRec::offscreenDrawProc

callback for erasing sprites offscreen normally

SWRect SpriteWorldRec::offscreenScrollRect

same as visScrollRect, but local to offscreen

SWRect SpriteWorldRec::oldVisScrollRect

visScrollRect from last frame

unsigned char SpriteWorldRec::pixelDepth

SpriteWorld's depth.

CallBackPtr SpriteWorldRec::postDrawCallBack

called after drawing sprites

CallBackPtr SpriteWorldRec::postEraseCallBack

called after erasing sprites

double SpriteWorldRec::pseudoFPS

milliseconds per pseudo frame of animation (for time-based animations)

double SpriteWorldRec::pseudoFrameAccum

used to set the pseudoFrameHasFired variable.

SWBoolean SpriteWorldRec::pseudoFrameHasFired

used in time-based animations.

unsigned long SpriteWorldRec::runningTimeCount

running total time in milliseconds

DrawProcPtr SpriteWorldRec::screenDrawProc

callback for drawing sprite pieces onscreen normally

FramePtr SpriteWorldRec::screenFrameP

frame for drawing to the screen

SWRect SpriteWorldRec::screenRect

holds windowFrameP->frameRect for easier access

SWRect SpriteWorldRec::scrollRectMoveBounds

move bounds for visScrollRect

SpriteLayerPtr SpriteWorldRec::tailSpriteLayerP

tail of the sprite layer linked list

SWBoolean SpriteWorldRec::thereAreNonScrollingLayers

used internally by SWProcessSpriteWorld

TileChangeProcPtr SpriteWorldRec::tileChangeProc

pointer to tile frame changing procedure

FramePtr* SpriteWorldRec::tileFrameArray

array of tile framePtrs (the part below sprites)

short SpriteWorldRec::tileHeight

height of each tile

TileMapStructPtr* SpriteWorldRec::tileLayerArray

an array of all the tileMap layers

DrawProcPtr SpriteWorldRec::tileMaskDrawProc

drawProc for drawing masked tiles in tile layers

TileRectDrawProcPtr SpriteWorldRec::tileRectDrawProc

pointer to the function that draws tiles in a rect

short SpriteWorldRec::tileWidth

width of each tile

short** SpriteWorldRec::tilingCache

two-dimensional tiling cache

SWBoolean SpriteWorldRec::tilingIsInitialized

has the tiling been initialized yet?

SWBoolean SpriteWorldRec::tilingIsOn

are the tiling routines turned on?

unsigned long SpriteWorldRec::timeOfLastFrame

time (from runningTimeCount) of last frame

SDL_bool SpriteWorldRec::useOpenGL

long SpriteWorldRec::userData

reserved for user

SWBoolean SpriteWorldRec::useUpdateRectOptimizations

should try to merge update rects

short SpriteWorldRec::vertScrollDelta

vertical scrolling delta

short SpriteWorldRec::vertScrollRectOffset

offset from offscreenScrollRect to visScrollRect

SWRect SpriteWorldRec::visScrollRect

SWRect that is copied to screen when scrolling.

FramePtr SpriteWorldRec::workFrameP

work, or "mixing" frame

WorldMoveProcPtr SpriteWorldRec::worldMoveProc

pointer to the scrolling world move procedure

Generated on Sun Jun 18 14:11:05 2006 for SpriteWorld X by  doxygen 1.4.6