Particle Struct Reference

(single pixel) particle struct More...

#include <SWParticles.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

short lifeRemaining
 How many frames of animation is left for this particle.
float horizLoc
 Current horizontal position of the particle.
float vertLoc
 Current vertical position of the particle.
float oldHorizLoc
 Horizontal position of particle the previous frame.
float oldVertLoc
 Vertical position of particle the previous frame.
float horizSpeed
 To be used by the user to move the star.
float vertSpeed
 To be used by the user to move the star.
Uint32 color
 The particle's color.
Uint32 oldColor
 The particle's old color for screen updates.

Detailed Description

(single pixel) particle struct

Member Data Documentation

Uint32 Particle::color

The particle's color.

float Particle::horizLoc

Current horizontal position of the particle.

float Particle::horizSpeed

To be used by the user to move the star.

short Particle::lifeRemaining

How many frames of animation is left for this particle.

Uint32 Particle::oldColor

The particle's old color for screen updates.

float Particle::oldHorizLoc

Horizontal position of particle the previous frame.

float Particle::oldVertLoc

Vertical position of particle the previous frame.

float Particle::vertLoc

Current vertical position of the particle.

float Particle::vertSpeed

To be used by the user to move the star.

Generated on Sun Jun 18 14:11:05 2006 for SpriteWorld X by  doxygen 1.4.6